Harry Partch: I Was A Bum Once Myself
Rare Photographs from the Life of the American Composer
OmniCircus -- San Francisco, CA -- September 23-26, 1999

The producers of
Harry Partch: I Was A Bum Once Myself
would like to acknowledge friends of the Harry Partch Foundation
who gave generously of their time and talent
to bring this show to San Francisco:
Danlee Mitchell, for inspiration and guidance in all matters Partchian;
Frank Garvey and OmniCircus, for inviting us in and giving us "space";
Philip Blackburn, for scholarly research and "Bastard Partchiana",
the font designed from Harry's handwriting;
Bob Gilmore, for historical background from his
Harry Partch: A Biography;
Rita Hoffman, for art direction, graphic design, and production;
Geordan Mitchell, for bringing about the
Harry Partch Foundation T-Shirt Division;
Mary Szanto and Tori Hoffman, for timely assistance.

Harry's spirit is carried forward by
everyone who shares an interest in
his original American art.

Thank you all.


Randy Hoffman & Jonathan Szanto


Prev Meadows